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  • Estie


There's few things I love more than curling up with a good book -- I love zoning out and transporting to another space, whether it's a different setting, era, or just a new outlook, there's nothing like it! I came across this quote on Pinterest really speaks to me, don't you agree?

These days, I don't get a chance to read as often as I would like, so I thought creating this reading list would help keep me accountable for at least three books a month (not too overambitious, right?), and be a fun way to share good reads with fellow book nerds. Anyways, without further ado, here's what I'm reading this month:

* A Guide for the Perplexed by Diana Horn is the perfect combo of historical fiction and modern day tech culture. Although the beginning was a little on the slower side, once I really got in I couldn't put it down! The main character Josie Ashkenazi is a software prodigy who invented an app to record anything and everything (sounds amazing at first!), but after she's abducted in Egypt and her perfectly organized life starts unraveling, it calls into question our reliance on technology and the ways in which it may take away from human relationships. At the same time, the author weaves in the story of Solomon Schechter, a Cambridge professor hunting for a medieval archive in Cairo a century earlier. I loved the way the author intertwines stories from Genesis, medieval philosophy, and the digital frontier so seamlessly. Although it's a pretty light read, it does leave you thinking about the crossroads of the past and future.

* Outwitting History by Aaron Lansky was so good! Once in a while, I like a good non-fiction read, and this one was not only engaging but important as well. I felt like I had found a kindred spirit in Lansky, who set out as an ambitious college student to rescue Yiddish books. Before long, requests to donate vast amounts of Yiddish texts start pouring in. The colorful characters, straight from the old country, are painted comically but without masking the tragic circumstances underlying their lives: the near loss of a once-vibrant culture. Although Yiddish culture is especially near to me, this book has such a universal appeal that any literature lover would appreciate! If you're sentimental (like me!), get those tissues ready!

* USSR Cook Book by Olga and Pavel Syutkin is not exactly a novel, but please tell me other people also read cookbooks cover to cover? To be honest, this isn't a traditional cook book, but rather an illustrated history of Russian cuisine from the Soviet era. I especially loved the original vintage illustrations! I found this book fascinating as I was brought up eating a lot of the recipes featured here. However, what I didn't know was the altered history behind these Russian classics! Since food shortages were commonplace, recipes that called for unobtainable ingredients were substituted using every ounce of ingenuity! If you're familiar with the party staple Olivier salad, you're in for a huge surprise! Even if you're not, this light read is an eye-opener on Soviet culture via food. Plus it might give you some inspiration for your Thanksgiving table next week!

Happy reading! If you have a moment, comment with your reading recommendations! I always love discovering new books to add to my ever-growing list!


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